Patients can usually manage knee pain resulting from a more strenuous activity than usual at home. After all, there are a lot of home remedies to help ease knee pain. However, if you find that resting or icing doesn’t help improve your pain, is it time to call a knee doctor? Yes!
It can be difficult to determine whether you need a doctor’s help when dealing with knee pain. To help you answer this question, here’s a simple guide.
When To Schedule A Doctor’s Appointment
It’s common to leave knee pain as it is for a while when you first feel it. In many cases, home rest indeed is enough. However, some instances will need the assessment of a knee doctor. These occurrences may not be drastic enough to require urgent care, but consulting a knee doctor can help you find relief.
You may need to schedule a doctor’s appointment for the following reasons:
There Is Redness Around Your Knee
Changes in the color of your knee may indicate an internal problem. If you find any redness around your knee, it could be a sign of infection. If this is the case, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.
The Knee Joint Feels Warm And Tender
If there is redness around your knee, the area may also feel warm and tender. This warmth may indicate an internal infection. Make sure to schedule an appointment with your knee doctor.
You Have Knee Pain And Swelling
If your knee pain is accompanied by swelling, don’t hesitate to see your knee doctor. It can be a symptom of a more severe knee problem, such as an unstable kneecap or arthritis of the knee.
Fever Accompanies Your Knee Pain
Schedule a knee doctor’s appointment if you have knee pain and fever. While waiting for the day of your schedule, get sufficient rest and use over-the-counter medications, as needed.
Usual Activities Are Affected By Your Knee Pain
Make an appointment with your knee doctor if your knee pain persists and interferes with your daily routine. Don’t hesitate to seek help if your knee pain has affected your sleep, too.
When To Seek Immediate Medical Attention
In some cases, your knee pain may require urgent medical attention. You may have suffered a knee injury due to a fall, arthritis, sports, or a car accident. Unknowingly, you may be dealing with a knee fracture, dislocation, ligament injury, torn meniscus, etc. A knee doctor will be able to properly assess the extent of your condition.
If you have a sudden knee injury, go to your doctor as soon as possible. Ask someone to take you to your provider if you experience any of the following:
You Heard A Popping Noise When Your Knee Was Injured
If you heard a popping sound at the time of your knee injury, it might indicate that something broke or tore. Sudden intense pain may accompany it, or your knee may feel numb.
You Knee Joint Appears To Be Deformed
Look at your knees side-by-side to check if your knee joint is deformed. If one knee appears to be misshapen compared to the other, you may have a dislocation or fracture.
You Are Unable To Bear Your Weight
Do you find it difficult to bear your weight when standing up? Or, perhaps you feel the need to shift your body weight away from your aching knee? This symptom may indicate an underlying problem with your knee.
You’re In Intense Pain And Have Swelling
Lastly, if you’re in intense pain accompanied by swelling, see your knee doctor immediately. These symptoms often indicate a significant injury.
Other Risk Factors Related To Knee Pain
It is also important to familiarize yourself with other factors contributing to knee pain. Some of these include:
Excessive Weight
Being overweight can put immense pressure on your knees. Even daily activities like walking or going up stairs can be challenging.
Engaging In Certain Occupations Or Sports
Some occupations and sports put more stress on your knees compared to others. Occupations like carpentry, farming, and manufacturing and sports like basketball and soccer put a lot of strain on the knees, which means you are at higher risk of injuries and conditions impacting the joints in the lower extremities.
History Of A Knee Injury
If you previously had a knee injury, you may be at a higher risk of re-injury or osteoarthritis. Don’t hesitate to keep in touch with your knee doctor for tips.
Expert Knee Doctor In San Antonio, Texas
At the Center for Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, we’re here to help you with all your orthopedic care needs. We have a team of expert orthopedic surgeons on board to give you the best care. Rest assured that we will help you find a sustainable solution for your knee pain.
Ready to say goodbye to your knee pain? Reach us today at (210) 692-7400 or use our convenient online appointment request form.