Shoulder pain, bruising, swelling, weakness, and a limited range of motion are all signs of a shoulder injury. If you fall and land on your shoulder or receive a direct blow, you may have separated or dislocated it. A separated shoulder is a stretching or tearing of the ligaments that connect the [Read More]
Physical Therapy
What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and how is it treated?
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a condition that causes symptoms such as severe burning pain usually in one side of the body, particularly the hand, arm, leg, and foot. A person with CRPS most likely has extremely sensitive nerves that overreact when touched. The pain that patients with [Read More]
Benefits of Post-Surgical Rehab
If you are scheduled for surgery, your treatment plan will almost always include rehabilitation. The period of inactivity required for surgery and the trauma your body experiences during surgery can cause your muscles, ligaments, and tendons to lose strength and flexibility. This means, even after [Read More]
Tendonosis of the Shoulder
The shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the human body. The “ball” at the top of the humerus (upper arm bone) fits inside the glenoid socket, where it moves and rotates to allow you to do everything from reaching above your head to throwing a baseball. Muscles are connected to bones via [Read More]
Physical Therapy Before Surgery
Some physical conditions or injuries require surgery for treatment. Your surgeon may suggest visiting a physical therapist before the operation in order to get your body strong and ready for the procedure. Physical therapy is known to help reduce or eliminate the pain of injuries and to assist in [Read More]