Tendonitis is the inflammation of one or more tendons. A tendon is the strong band of tissue that connects a muscle to a bone. When you use too much force on a tendon, it can be more vulnerable to sustaining injuries. Because this is an inflammation, tendonitis typically develops over time as a [Read More]
Types of Bone Doctors
The human adult body consists of more than 200 bones which are connected to muscles and connective tissues at the joints. This musculoskeletal system serves as the central structure and internal framework of the body. Orthopedics is the branch of medicine that deals with treating injuries and [Read More]
Recovery from an ACL Tear
A torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is a common knee injury, particularly among athletes and people who exercise or lead active lifestyles. This knee injury can cause pain, swelling, and loss of motion in the knee, making normal day-to-day activities difficult or impossible. If the ligament [Read More]
Types of Elbow Fractures
One of the most common orthopedic injuries is a broken bone, also known as a fracture. While you can get a fracture anywhere in your body, one place that frequently incurs this injury is the elbow. We use our arms for practically everything we do, and when we get into an accident or suffer a fall, [Read More]
Symptoms Of An Unstable Kneecap
You should be aware of a hard knobbly bone that rests in front of your knee. It is called the kneecap, and it gives the muscles in your thigh leverage when you extend your leg. The kneecap also helps protect other parts of your knee. While a network of ligaments and tendons keep your kneecap in [Read More]