Trigger finger sounds like something out of the wild west, but it’s actually what the condition resembles: a finger that is stuck in a trigger-pulling, bent position. And when it does get un-stuck, the finger snaps into place – whether you’re trying to bend it or to straighten it. In severe cases of [Read More]
Orthopedic Surgery
Image-Guided Orthopedic Treatments
Imagine a doctor looking into the human body and seeing everything in three-dimensional (3-D detail, in real time. This is what advances in medical imaging have made possible. It is a boon to doctors in many fields throughout the medical industry. Image-guided treatments are steadily gaining [Read More]
10 Things Your Orthopedist Wants You to Know
An orthopedist treats conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, often injuries the patient incurs while playing sports or due to wear and tear over time. Orthopedic surgery is a specialty within the specialty. Here’s ten things your orthopedist wants you to know so next time you visit, you [Read More]
Sprain Vs. Strain
If you had to choose between a strain or sprain, which malady would you prefer to endure? Truthfully, neither are much fun but most people don't realize that there's a difference between the two. Difference Between Sprains and Strains A sprain is a condition caused by bands of tissue, [Read More]
Types of Fractures
We are born with 270 bones; by adulthood many of those bones have fused together, leaving us with 206 bones that support every step and movement we make for the rest of our lives. Over the course of a lifetime, it’s highly probable that one of these 206 bones will sustain a fracture. Here is more [Read More]