Arthritis of the knee joint is one of the most serious conditions that causes debilitating knee pain, stiffness, and swelling. There are over 100 types of arthritis, and the most common types that affect your knees include osteoarthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, and rheumatoid [Read More]
Knee Arthritis treatment near me
How to Recognize the Symptoms of Knee Arthritis
Knee arthritis is one of the most common orthopedic conditions that cause pain in the knee. The pain is caused by the thinning of cartilage that covers the ends of bones, causing them to rub together in the knee joint. Cartilage is what allows for a smooth and gliding movement of the [Read More]
When Knee Arthritis Requires Knee Replacement Surgery
Are you suffering from chronic knee pain? If you are, then you know how much this kind of pain can affect your quality of life. Knee pain can be caused by different things, but the most common cause of chronic pain is arthritis. When knee pain is limiting the things that you can do, an orthopedic [Read More]